


The country Colombia has 1000 miles of the Caribbean coast extending from the Gulf of Urab to the Gulf of Venezuela. The beautiful island of Colombia is known for its vast jungles. This whole region is about one-tenth of the total territory of Colombia and is home to 9 million people.   

The history aspect in the island of Colombia in 1499 the Spanish first reached the Guajira Peninsula and with navigating Christopher Colombus in 1502 the first settlement in the mainland was not established until 1510. The first city Santa Marta was founded in 1525 fifteen years later and then followed by Cartagena in 1533. 

One-third of the population of the island is populated with Indigenous People. There are 87 tribes of indigenous people that live off of the coast of the Caribbean coast. Way before pre-Colombian times and before the indigenous tribe, the Tairona they lived in that area for thousands of years. In 1599 the Tairona revolted against the Spanish and this caused a despite in their persecution and which lead up to relocation and death. 

The ethnic diversity in Colombia, there are several mixes of cultures throughout the island. The group 'Pardo' used by the Portuguese and Spanish colonies in America. The term 'pardo' was to describe the people with half or full Amerindian ancestry. In today's world, indigenous groups like Wayuu, Archuacos, Koguis, and Arsanios all live in Gajiura Peninsula and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. They all seek ways to maintain their traditions also at the same time working and keep a stable economy. A lot of the indigenous people work to keep up the tribal languages. The indigenous groups participate in outreach programs and activities to raise awareness of their roles in Colombia cultural heritage 


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